God is giving us His warning in the very fulfillment of the prophecies that are thousands of years old.


We as believers must be aware of exactly where we are in God's prophetic timetable. Knowing that, along with the holy Spirit, will give us the courage and urgency to do what Jesus commanded us to do...
"Go and preach the gospel".

Be informed! Join us and other like-minded Believers as we pray and study so we will NOT be as those in darkness, caught off guard, but we will walk in the light and know that our Redeemer is at the door!

I Thessalonians 4:18

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Have We Anointed An Unworthy Shepherd?

Could we say that the church has failed to wake up very many people so, by default, a Mormon -- Glenn Beck -- has made quite a stir and has become an official spiritual leader? He rallied hundreds of thousands last weekend with themes of faith and love of our country. Americans are desperate and fearful of what is coming upon this land so they look to a Mormon for leadership.
In light of the positive aspects of the honoring America weekend, could there possibly be a down side? 
 The theme of the Friday gathering of spiritual leaders and the Saturday rally was an encouragement to turn back to God. The not-so-subtle theme was "many faiths, but one God."
I believe many conservative Christians would have been relieved if Glenn had not brought out Mormon doctrine that very few are familiar with. He stated at the Saturday event  that the American Indians are the "chosen people" -- blatant Mormon doctrine. The crowd applauded in approval.
 What are major Mormon beliefs and how do they play into this scenario? 
Mormon theology teaches:
* God was born and raised on another planet.

* He has a harem of wives.

* They produce spirit-babies that are sent to earth; there they gain bodies and earn sainthood.

* Jesus is the brother of Lucifer.

* Jesus is the chosen/elected savior by a council of gods from other worlds.

* America is the promised land, not Israel. The holy city is Independence, Missouri, not Jerusalem. Jesus' latter-day agenda is to return to Missouri.
* Salvation is works-based and not through grace and faith.
Excellent article with much more information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Had no idea Beck was a Mormon! That's amazing! Here I thought he was a Christian..Although as of late some red flags have popped up regarding some comments he has made. I guess that would explain his position.