God is giving us His warning in the very fulfillment of the prophecies that are thousands of years old.


We as believers must be aware of exactly where we are in God's prophetic timetable. Knowing that, along with the holy Spirit, will give us the courage and urgency to do what Jesus commanded us to do...
"Go and preach the gospel".

Be informed! Join us and other like-minded Believers as we pray and study so we will NOT be as those in darkness, caught off guard, but we will walk in the light and know that our Redeemer is at the door!

I Thessalonians 4:18

Friday, April 1, 2011

Netanyahu puts Israeli-Arab conflict in proper perspective

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took part in a global interview on YouTube this week, with questions for the Israeli leader coming in from around the world, including countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran.
In one of the questions, Netanyahu was asked if he thought the decision to build a few hundred more Jewish housing units in Judea and Samaria in response to the recent massacre of a Jewish family in the area would harm chances for peace with the Palestinians.
Netanyahu’s answer highlighted how the world is playing right into Islam’s hands by misrepresenting the conflict and ignoring its historic context.
The Israeli leader insisted that the international community must stop looking at Jewish houses as being any different than Arab houses in Judea and Samaria since the territory is “disputed land – we have a historical connection to it.”
For decades, the world has parroted the Arab line that Judea and Samaria are “occupied territories” to which the Jews have no real connection.
Netanyahu disagreed.
“My name is Benjamin; the first Benjamin, the son of Jacob, walked these hills 4,000 years ago, so we have some connection with this land,” Netanyahu explained. “Any one in his right mind knows that this is part of the ancestral Jewish homeland; it’s in the Bible.”

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