God is giving us His warning in the very fulfillment of the prophecies that are thousands of years old.


We as believers must be aware of exactly where we are in God's prophetic timetable. Knowing that, along with the holy Spirit, will give us the courage and urgency to do what Jesus commanded us to do...
"Go and preach the gospel".

Be informed! Join us and other like-minded Believers as we pray and study so we will NOT be as those in darkness, caught off guard, but we will walk in the light and know that our Redeemer is at the door!

I Thessalonians 4:18

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama's speech stuns Israelis. Netanyahu rejects 1967 lines

US President Barack Obama's declaration in his policy speech Thursday, May 19, that Israel should withdraw to the 1967 lines with mutually agreed territorial swaps caused consternation in Jerusalem. Before flying to Washington, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stated: The 1967 lines are indefensible. Israeli security demands an IDF presence on the Jordan River. Israel appreciates the US president's commitment to peace but a Palestinian state cannot rise at the expense of Israel's existence.
This demand was not agreed in the exchanges between the White House and the Prime Minster's Office ahead of the speech. It also contradicts the guarantee the Bush presidency gave Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in 2004 not to force Israel to return to the indefensible borders of 1967.
The US president stated repeatedly that the Palestinian state was entitled to "a sovereign, contiguous state" bordering on Egypt, Jordan and Israel. This would give the Palestinian state sole control of its borders without regard to Israeli's security requirements. Israel was advised to be satisfied with America's "unshakeable commitment" to its security.
The "Palestinian state" is entitled?  By whose definition and demand?

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