God is giving us His warning in the very fulfillment of the prophecies that are thousands of years old.


We as believers must be aware of exactly where we are in God's prophetic timetable. Knowing that, along with the holy Spirit, will give us the courage and urgency to do what Jesus commanded us to do...
"Go and preach the gospel".

Be informed! Join us and other like-minded Believers as we pray and study so we will NOT be as those in darkness, caught off guard, but we will walk in the light and know that our Redeemer is at the door!

I Thessalonians 4:18

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Teen Critically Wounded in Gaza Missile Attack, IDF Retaliates

A 16-year-old boy was critically injured Thursday afternoon when Arab terrorists opened fire at a school bus traveling in southern Israel near the Nahal Oz crossing.
A second person -- the driver of the bus and the only other person in the vehicle at the time -- sustained shrapnel wounds in the leg. Others in the area suffered shock and severe anxiety. The bus, which was struck from behind, was hit at the Sa'ad junction, just outside Kibbutz Sa'ad in the Sha'ar HaNegev Regional Council district. The front windows of the bus were shattered as well.
Although police initially identified the weapon as a medium anti-tank missile, other reports indicated that it may have been a mortar attack. A barrage of mortar shells and rockets continued to be fired at the area following the attack. 
Defense Minister Ehud Barak ordered the IDF high command to respond to the attack "immediately" and to use "all necessary means."  He added that he holds the Hamas terrorist organization "complete responsible for all attacks emanating from Gaza," which the group rules with an iron fist.
Open fire on a "school bus" shows the heart of these terrorists and their complete hatred for the Jews.

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