God is giving us His warning in the very fulfillment of the prophecies that are thousands of years old.


We as believers must be aware of exactly where we are in God's prophetic timetable. Knowing that, along with the holy Spirit, will give us the courage and urgency to do what Jesus commanded us to do...
"Go and preach the gospel".

Be informed! Join us and other like-minded Believers as we pray and study so we will NOT be as those in darkness, caught off guard, but we will walk in the light and know that our Redeemer is at the door!

I Thessalonians 4:18

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Two Syrian policemen, 15 demonstrators shot dead

 The Syrian uprising took a new turn Tuesday, April 5, when armed protesters ambushed and shot dead two policemen in the Damascus suburb of Kfar Batna. Syrian troops then opened fire and killed 15 inhabitants.
Monday, police opened fire on the funeral procession for 10 protesters killed in demonstrations in the Damascus suburb of Douma.
The fact that armed elements have taken over and are willing to use violence against Assad regime – and in the capital yet - marks a new and dangerous spiral of violence in the two-week long protest. Until now the violence came from regime forces against protesters. Now that the opposition is resorting to arms, the government may well escalate its crackdown on dissident demonstrations.

Sunnis, who are 76 percent of the Syria's population of 26 million, must join the protest movement en masse. This they have so far avoided doing for fear of the bullets which Assad's loyalist forces do not hesitate to shoot.
Because it is hard to get ordinary Sunni Muslims out on the streets, the heads of Syrian Revolution 2011 have instigated a campaign of passive resistance. This week, for example, opposition leaders told the population to stop paying their electricity bills, an act of protest that has caught on in Syria's big cities.
In the next 48 hours, the opposition is hoping to whip up mass demonstrations in Aleppo and Damascus, the capital. Aleppo, a city of 2.8 million inhabitants is the political and economic hub of the Syrian Sunni community. Therefore, major outbreaks there would produce a big crack in Assad's authority.
SEIU calling for mortgage owners and college students to stop paying their mortgages and student loans to bring down "Wall Street".  Planned to take place in May.

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